Friday, April 28, 2006

Congratulations to (now Dr.] Tom

An earlier posting ["Good luck TOM, Nov. 23, 2005] already mentioned Tom and his departure for Harvard Medical in Boston. In the mean time Tom has been been back twice and both times for special occasions worth mentioning. Tom's first retun was early February [2006]. Main purpose of this first visit was to defend his thesis ["Tumor-selective coronaviruses as potential anti-cancer agents."] and to receive the honors of a doctorate from the University of Utrecht. . Tom received high accolades, not only for his superb academic work, but also for the presentation in the form of his book. As a sideline Ivan shared some of the praise, because Ivan had produced the book at Tom's request. Following the formal part of the ceremony, [now Dr.] Tom celebrated the special occasion in true tradition: with family and many friends, lots of booze, nicotine, and until the small hours. Some impressions [thanks to Harry Brieffies who produced the collages.]
The second visit, a few weeks later, was on special invitation from a professional medical association in order to receive the honors [and price money] for 'the best thesis of the year'. [No pictures.] Well done Tom!


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