Monday, April 24, 2006

Enkhuizen from the Air

This [top] satellite picture gives a good view of the old part Enkhuizen. In particular it clearly shows that the old town was partly surrounded a fortification and a moat running from South-West to the North. This perimeter has been the city limit from its creation in around 1650 until 1950 when the city started to expand again. The [post-1950] new developments of the town can be seen North of the original fortified perimeter. The remainder of the town is surrounded by the lake [formerly the Zuiderzee], mainly running from North-East to South-West. The bottom picture also shows the agricultural areas in the North and the West of Enkhuizen. The different blocks are individual parcels of land with different crops. The line in the bottom of the picture running from the South to South-East is the 30 kilometers long dam [dyke] across the lake from Enkhuizen to Lelystad. This dam was only recently constructed (1960-1970). It has a two-lane road and a bicycle track.


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