Thursday, March 09, 2006

Congratulations to (now Drs. / M.Sc.) Ivan

In February 2006 Ivan succesfully finished his academic studies of economics at the Free University [VU] in Amsterdam. This achievement entitles Ivan to use the title of "Drs. Econ." and/or "M.Sc." A few years earlier Ivan graduated [B.Sc.] at the Amsterdam School of Economics [HES], where his principal majors were 'european law' and 'management'. Presently Ivan is in negotation with a highly reputable thinktank in Washington DC with the purpose to join the institute as an intern. In the mean time Ivan has also been approached to consider a formal assignment with another organization in Washington, following his internship. The picture shows Ivan [at the right] during the graduation ceremony, while receiving his certificates and the congratulations from the board.